
Monday, January 7, 2013

Already planning Imbolc

New lamb from last Spring at Peter Wentz Farmstead in PA
Reading about all of the A is for Altar posts this weekend on the 2013 PBP has made me think about planning an Imbolc party for a few friends, as I did last year. Poppy at Book of Shadows and Blessings had the same idea and has some beautiful ideas on her Imbolc post. Last year we had corn crosses to make and a Bride doll to put to sleep and seed packets. I love the idea of blessing seeds and may add that. Thank you, Poppy.


  1. I love the idea of blessing seeds and giving them away at Imbolc! I may shamelessly steal that idea.

  2. Steal away! I loved the idea when I saw it too.


Of course I want to hear what you think!